piątek, 27 października 2017

Fwd: Les points forts de l’actualité sur dna.fr


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From: Les DNA <newsletter@dna.fr>
Date: 2017-10-26 18:50 GMT+02:00
Subject: Les points forts de l'actualité sur dna.fr

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Les points forts de l'actualité sur dna.fr   
Informations à lire sur dna.fr aujourd'hui    

Strasbourg.  Protestants en fête: l'inauguration vendredi avec Gérard Collomb

Le ministre français de l'Intérieur (et des Cultes), Gérard Collomb, et l'ancien ministre des ...

Strasbourg.  Feu d'appartement dans un immeuble de Hautepierre

Les sapeurs-pompiers sont intervenus ce jeudi matin vers 8h20, au 37 Boulevard Victor Hugo dans ...

Guémar.  La voiture s'encastre sous la remorque

Une voiture s'est encastrée sous la remorque d'un poids lourd ce matin vers 11 h 30 sur la RN 83 ...

Didenheim.  Un cambrioleur chassé à coups de canne par une nonagénaire

Samedi dernier, vers minuit, une nonagénaire vivant à Didenheim surprend un individu en train de ...

Internet.  Numéricâble : panne réparée

Les professionnels abonnés au fournisseur d'accès à internet Numéricâble, ayant des IP fixes, ...

Football - Tirage du 7e  tour de la Coupe de France.  Geispolsheim recevra le Stade de Reims !

Ce sera l'affiche du 7e  tour de la Coupe de France en Alsace. Le FC Geispolsheim accueillera le ...

Animaux.  Un calendrier "100% alsacien", pour défendre les chats

L'association ERA ("Ethique et respect animal") a vu le jour le 23 décembre 2014, avec ...

STRASBOURG - Transport.  [VIDEO] Les anciens rails du tram surgissent devant le palais de Justice

Des rails de l'ancien réseau de tram strasbourgeois ont été mis au jour aux abords du palais de ...

Vidéo.  [VIDEO] Vendanges tardives à Ammerschwihr

Les conditions auront été parfaites jusqu'au bout : au sommet du Sommerberg, dans les hauteurs ...

Budget.  L'Assemblée vote la hausse de la CSG et la suppression des cotisations salariales

Les députés ont voté mercredi soir la mesure la plus controversée du budget 2018 de la Sécurité ...

ESPAGNE.  Catalogne : pas d'élections anticipées

Le président catalan Carles Puigdemont s'est exprimé dans une allocution télévisée jeudi, au ...

SANTE.  Des substances interdites dans plus de 140 produits cosmétiques

Une enquête de la répression des fraudes a révélé jeudi que plus de 140 produits cosmétiques ...

JUSTICE.  "Robert Boulin a été tué": de troublantes révélations ce soir

Suicide ou assassinat? Trente-huit ans après, une enquête diffusée à la télévision sème le ...

PARTI.  Les Républicains : trois candidats, Fasquelle pas retenu

La Haute autorité du parti Les Républicains a retenu trois candidats pour participer à ...

TERRORISME.  Des djihadistes touchaient des allocations alors qu'ils étaient en Syrie

Les enquêteurs ont découvert une vaste escroquerie : depuis la France, des proches de ...

TRANSPORTS.  Vols vers les États-Unis : ce qui change ce jeudi

À compter de ce jeudi, les États-Unis renforcent la sécurité sur les vols internationaux à ...

Société.  Frais bancaires : pénalités à répétition pour les clients en difficulté

Dans sa dernière enquête, l'association 60 Millions de consommateurs accuse les banques ...

SANTÉ.  Doit-on vraiment se laver tous les jours ?

Moins de six Français sur dix passent tous les jours par la case "douche" ou "bain". La minorité ...

SCIENCES.  Ils découvrent une nouvelle empreinte géante de dinosaure

Une étude publiée mercredi révèle que des traces de pattes appartenant à un dinosaure mesurant ...

EDUCATION.  Il écrit à Macron et obtient un stage de 3ème... à l'Elysée

Un collégien du Morbihan a décroché un stage de troisième à l'Elysée, après un simple courrier ...
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czwartek, 19 października 2017

Book Book Of Of Prayers Praye

PDF]Book Of Prayers - CAP Members

bright blows of thy grace and make us teachable, that we may learn again the peace ...... pray that all that we do in our places of work will serve and please you. ...... us to care mightily that wars cease, that injus-tice fail, that the fear which ...... of the planets, the sun, the moon, the stars, and of life itself; we, the epitome of your.


piątek, 13 października 2017

Fwd: Alert Google – Katastrofa TU 154 M w Smoleńsku


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Od: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google.com>
Data: 6 października 2017 01:03
Temat: Alert Google – Katastrofa TU 154 M w Smoleńsku
Do: ac84703@gmail.com

Katastrofa TU 154 M w Smoleńsku
Aktualizacja codzienna 5 października 2017

Prokuratura zbada szczątki ze Smoleńska w Irlandii Północnej
Prokuratura zbada szczątki ze Smoleńska w Irlandii Północnej ... analizy próbek zabezpieczonych w trakcie śledztwa ws. katastrofy smoleńskiej. ... trafiły próbki pobrane z wraku Tu-154M ze Smoleńska, wcześniej - w kwietniu br.
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Katastrofa smoleńska. Prokuratura Krajowa podpisze umowę z irlandzkim instytutem ws. analizy ...
Pod koniec maja do laboratorium w Wlk. Brytanii trafiły próbki pobrane z wraku Tu-154M ze Smoleńska. Wcześniej prowadzący śledztwo ujawnili, ...
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Katastrofa smoleńska. Chcą podpisać umowę z instytutem wykonującym „analizy materiałów ...
Pod koniec maja do laboratorium w Wlk. Brytanii trafiły próbki pobrane z wraku Tu-154M ze Smoleńska, wcześniej - w kwietniu br. prokuratorzy ...
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„Wyborcza" nadal pikuje... Znów największy spadek wśród wszystkich dzienników
Fake news powielili za RMF FM m.in. ... FSNI nie będzie się natomiast wypowiadać w kwestii ewentualnych przyczyn katastrofy, nie wyda opinii i ... w Wielkiej Brytanii trafiły próbki pobrane z wraku Tu-154M ze Smoleńska, wcześniej ...
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Ekshumacja smoleńska, Otworzyli grób pilota kap. Arkadiusza Protasiuka
Kolejna ekshumacja smoleńska została przeprowadzona. ... był dowódcą załogi samolotu Tu-154 M. Prokuratura Krajowa potwierdziła informajcę ... Na kilka dni przed katastrofą w Smoleńsku, kapitan Protasiuk poleciał do Rosji jako ...
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poniedziałek, 9 października 2017

Fwd: Newsletter vom 27.09.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (I) (Machtkampf um Einfluss in Zentralasien)


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From: German-Foreign-Policy <newsletter@german-foreign-policy.com>
Date: 2017-09-26 23:10 GMT+02:00
Subject: Newsletter vom 27.09.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (I) (Machtkampf um Einfluss in Zentralasien)
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

Newsletter vom 27.09.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (I)

BERLIN/TASCHKENT (Eigener Bericht) - Berlin nimmt einen neuen Anlauf
zur Sicherung seines Einflusses in Zentralasien gegenüber Russland
und China. Schauplatz ist Usbekistan, das bevölkerungsreichste Land
der Region, das in den vergangenen 25 Jahren stets Schlüsselpartner
der Bundesrepublik unter den fünf postsowjetischen Staaten
Zentralasiens war. Lange Zeit unterhielt die Bundeswehr dort sogar
einen Stützpunkt. Jetzt sucht die Bundesregierung mit einem Ausbau
der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ihre Stellung in Usbekistan wieder zu
stärken. Hintergrund ist einerseits das Bestreben des seit einem Jahr
amtierenden Staatspräsidenten Shavkat Mirziyoyev, eine neoliberale
Öffnung einzuleiten; andererseits setzen Einflussgewinne Russlands
auf ökonomischem und militärischem Gebiet sowie die erheblich
zunehmende wirtschaftliche Bedeutung Chinas Deutschland unter Druck:
Soll die eigene Position in Zentralasien nicht geschwächt werden,
gilt es, rasch gegenzusteuern.



Fwd: Newsletter vom 10.10.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (II)


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From: German-Foreign-Policy <newsletter@german-foreign-policy.com>
Date: 2017-10-10 0:02 GMT+02:00
Subject: Newsletter vom 10.10.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (II)
To: pascal.alter@gmail.com

Newsletter vom 10.10.2017 - Frischer Wind auf der Seidenstraße (II)

BERLIN/DUSCHANBE (Eigener Bericht) - Berliner Regierungsberater ziehen
eine strategisch angelegte Kooperation mit China in Zentralasien in
Betracht. Anstatt sich auf eigenständige Einflussoperationen zu
beschränken, solle man "einen intensiveren Dialog" mit Beijing
darüber führen, "inwiefern sich Ziele gemeinsam verfolgen ließen",
heißt es in einer aktuellen Studie der Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik (SWP). Auf diese Weise könne "die EU ihren außenpolitischen
Zielen in der Region Nachdruck verleihen". Hintergrund ist das
bisherige Scheitern des Versuchs, den Einfluss Deutschlands und der EU
in den fünf früheren Sowjetrepubliken von Turkmenistan bis
Tadschikistan signifikant auszuweiten. Exemplarisch deutlich wird
dieses Scheitern beispielsweise in Tadschikistan. Während Russland
und China in dem Land ökonomisch dominieren und dort jetzt - parallel
zu den Vereinigten Staaten - auch ihre militärischen Aktivitäten
intensivieren, spielt Berlin trotz aller Bemühungen nur auf den
Feldern der humanitären und der Entwicklungshilfe eine eigenständige



piątek, 6 października 2017

NASA's Hubble Observes the Farthest Active Inbound Comet Yet Seen

Release date: Sep 28, 2017 1:00 PM (EDT)
NASA's Hubble Observes the Farthest Active Inbound Comet Yet Seen

The Comet that Came in from the Cold
A solitary frozen traveler has been journeying for millions of years toward the heart of our planetary system. The wayward vagabond, a city-sized snowball of ice and dust called a comet, was gravitationally kicked out of the Oort Cloud, its frigid home at the outskirts of the solar system. This region is a vast comet storehouse, composed of icy leftover building blocks from the construction of the planets 4.6 billion years ago.
The comet is so small, faint, and far away that it eluded detection. Finally, in May 2017, astronomers using the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) in Hawaii spotted the solitary intruder at a whopping 1.5 billion miles away — between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. The Hubble Space Telescope was enlisted to take close-up views of the comet, called C/2017 K2 PANSTARRS (K2).
The comet is record-breaking because it is already becoming active under the feeble glow of the distant Sun. Astronomers have never seen an active inbound comet this far out, where sunlight is merely 1/225th its brightness as seen from Earth. Temperatures, correspondingly, are at a minus 440 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at such bone-chilling temperatures, a mix of ancient ices on the surface — oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide — is beginning to sublimate and shed as dust. This material balloons into a vast 80,000-mile-wide halo of dust, called a coma, enveloping the solid nucleus.
Astronomers will continue to study K2 as it travels into the inner solar system, making its closest approach to the Sun in 2022.
The Full Story
Release date: Sep 28, 2017
News Release number: STScI-2017-40
NASA's Hubble Observes the Farthest Active Inbound Comet Yet Seen
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has photographed the farthest active inbound comet ever seen, at a whopping distance of 1.5 billion miles from the Sun (beyond Saturn's orbit). Slightly warmed by the remote Sun, it has already begun to develop an 80,000-mile-wide fuzzy cloud of dust, called a coma, enveloping a tiny, solid nucleus of frozen gas and dust. These observations represent the earliest signs of activity ever seen from a comet entering the solar system's planetary zone for the first time.
The comet, called C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) or "K2", has been travelling for millions of years from its home in the frigid outer reaches of the solar system, where the temperature is about minus 440 degrees Fahrenheit. The comet's orbit indicates that it came from the Oort Cloud, a spherical region almost a light-year in diameter and thought to contain hundreds of billions of comets. Comets are the icy leftovers from the formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago and therefore pristine in icy composition.
"K2 is so far from the Sun and so cold, we know for sure that the activity — all the fuzzy stuff making it look like a comet — is not produced, as in other comets, by the evaporation of water ice," said lead researcher David Jewitt of the University of California, Los Angeles. "Instead, we think the activity is due to the sublimation [a solid changing directly into a gas] of super-volatiles as K2 makes its maiden entry into the solar system's planetary zone. That's why it's special. This comet is so far away and so incredibly cold that water ice there is frozen like a rock."
Based on the Hubble observations of K2's coma, Jewitt suggests that sunlight is heating frozen volatile gases — such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide — that coat the comet's frigid surface. These icy volatiles lift off from the comet and release dust, forming the coma. Past studies of the composition of comets near the Sun have revealed the same mixture of volatile ices.
"I think these volatiles are spread all through K2, and in the beginning billions of years ago, they were probably all through every comet presently in the Oort Cloud," Jewitt said. "But the volatiles on the surface are the ones that absorb the heat from the Sun, so, in a sense, the comet is shedding its outer skin. Most comets are discovered much closer to the Sun, near Jupiter's orbit, so by the time we see them, these surface volatiles have already been baked off. That's why I think K2 is the most primitive comet we've seen."
K2 was discovered in May 2017 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) in Hawaii, a survey project of NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program. Jewitt used Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 at the end of June to take a closer look at the icy visitor.
Hubble's sharp "eye" revealed the extent of the coma and also helped Jewitt estimate the size of the nucleus — less than 12 miles across — though the tenuous coma is 10 Earth diameters across.
This vast coma must have formed when the comet was even farther away from the Sun. Digging through archival images, Jewitt's team uncovered views of K2 and its fuzzy coma taken in 2013 by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) in Hawaii. But the object was then so faint that no one noticed it.
"We think the comet has been continuously active for at least four years," Jewitt said. "In the CFHT data, K2 had a coma already at 2 billion miles from the Sun, when it was between the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. It was already active, and I think it has been continuously active coming in. As it approaches the Sun, it's getting warmer and warmer, and the activity is ramping up."
But, curiously, the Hubble images do not show a tail flowing from K2, which is a signature of comets. The absence of such a feature indicates that particles lifting off the comet are too large for radiation pressure from the Sun to sweep them back into a tail.
Astronomers will have plenty of time to conduct detailed studies of K2. For the next five years, the comet will continue its journey into the inner solar system before it reaches its closest approach to the Sun in 2022 just beyond Mars' orbit. "We will be able to monitor for the first time the developing activity of a comet falling in from the Oort Cloud over an extraordinary range of distances," Jewitt said. "It should become more and more active as it nears the Sun and presumably will form a tail."
Jewitt said that NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, an infrared observatory scheduled to launch in 2018, could measure the heat from the nucleus, which would give astronomers a more accurate estimate of its size.
The team's results will appear in the September 28 issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., in Washington, D.C.
NASA, ESA, and D. Jewitt (UCLA)